Tuwharetoa Otarahanga Farm Forestry Development

Tuwharetoa Otarahanga Farm Forestry Development

4 June 2019

Tuwharetoa Otarahanga Farm Forestry Development

Intensive land preparation to develop a new Radiata pine forest on the Otarahanga Farm has been progressing well. Preliminary work has included extensive weed eradication, harvesting and rollercrushing of the existing 80 hectares of Eucalyptus trees. The preparation process is now almost complete and will result in a much improved area for forestry development.

The tree planting programme for 2019 will begin in the middle of June with 250 hectares scheduled to be planted and completed in winter (approximately 250,000 seedlings). In 2018, 44 hectares of farmland was planted and the young trees are growing well.

If you are a Tuwharetoa beneficiary who is interested to know more about potential employment opportunities during this tree planting phase, please call Jackie at the office on 07 323 4164.



Land Clearing - Before                                           Land Clearing - During



                  Land Clearing - After                                                       Seedling Planted in 2018