You must be a Registered Beneficiary of Ngati Tuwharetoa (BOP) Settlement Trust to be eligible to apply for any grants listed below.

You may apply for an Education Grant if you or your child are currently attending:

  • A pre-education, primary, intermediate or Secondary School 
  • A Tertiary Institute – University, Wānanga, Polytechnic or Apprenticeship

Applicants must provide:

  • Confirmation of enrolment, fees and course information from the education provider (Tertiary only).
  • Previous year’s academic results (Tertiary only).
  • A verified bank deposit slip or statement.

To apply online or to download a copy of a Grant Application Form you must go to the BENEFICIARY LOG-IN page (above). Once here, you can LOG-IN to your account or CREATE AN ACCOUNT if you havent already done so. This will give you access to the MEMBER ONLY AREA of the website where there is a variety of information not available to the public, including ALL Grant Application Forms. 


Representation Grant 

The purpose of the Representation Grant is to assist a Registered Beneficiary with costs associated with being selected to represent a province or New Zealand. 


2025 Representation Grant Applications are OPEN.

School Costs Grant

The purpose of the School Costs Grant is to contribute towards education costs associated with Pre Education, Primary, Intermediate and Secondary Schools. To apply for this grant you must be enrolled or attending one of these institutions. 


2024 School Costs Grant Applications are CLOSED.


Tertiary Grant

The purpose of a Tertiary Grant is to contribute to the costs associated with Tertiary Education. To apply for this grant you must be attending a Tertiary Insititute approved by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) or equivalent if studying outside New Zealand. 

2024 Tertiary Grant Applications are CLOSED.


Pakeke Grant 

The purpose of the Pakeke Grant is to contribute towards the rising costs of living for Pakeke. To be eligible you must be 65 years and over.

For more information please contact the Office on 0800 323 4164.


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