This online application form is to be completed by any individual who wishes to confirm their status as a Beneficiary of the Ngati Tuwharetoa (BOP) Settlement Trust (“Trust”) and/or wishes to apply to be a Registered Beneficiary.
Beneficiaries of the Trust are individuals who are:
(a) descended from a Ngati Tuwharetoa ancestor or ancestors; or
(b) a member of one of the following hapu:
Umutahi, Te Tawera, Ngati Peehi, Ngai Tamarangi, Te Aotahi, Ngati Poutomuri, Ngati Iramoko, Ngati Irawharo or Ngati Manuwhare; or
(c) a Whangai of Ngati Tuwharetoa (in accordance with Ngati Tuwharetoa tikanga).
Beneficiaries of the Trust are eligible to apply for and if approved, receive benefits and/or grants from the Trust. Beneficiaries may also apply for registration as a Registered Beneficiary, although registration is not guaranteed.
Registered Beneficiaries who are 18 years of age or over are able to participate in and vote on various matters relating to the Trust.
Please note that in assessing an application to be a Registered Beneficiary, the Registration Committee may give strong weighting to evidence that the applicant has a primary affiliation to one of the following Marae:
If you are a Beneficiary, and your application to be a Registered Beneficiary is declined for any reason, you will still continue to be a Beneficiary of the Trust, and will be eligible to apply for and if approved, receive benefits and/or grants from the Trust, subject always to the discretion of the Trustees as to the terms of any benefits and/or grants. For further information please refer to our Beneficiary Registration Policy attached to this form.
For further information please CLICK HERE to view our Beneficiary Registration Policy
Should you wish to fill this form out manually you can CLICK HERE to download and print.